SEX! National Geographic Channel’s special “Sex: How It Works”

Sex: How It Works

National Geographic Channel’s two-hour special Sex: How It Works explores sex like never before through gripping real-life stories, new technology and cutting-edge computer graphics, journeying from first times to playing the field, all the way to humankind’s ultimate goal — procreation.

Sex: How It Works

Now that we’ve got your attention …

National Geographic Channel gives viewers a crash course in the science of the birds and bees with a two-hour special Sex: How It Works, premiering Tuesday, June 18, at 8pm ET/PT. Sex: How It Works explores the science behind arousal, orgasms, partner preference and sexual dysfunctions, weaving together real-life case studies, the latest technology and cutting-edge computer graphics. Viewers get a glimpse into the biology and sociology of sex, looking at how the impulse to pass on our genes influences and affects us socially and emotionally. 

Behavioral psychologist Dr. Linda Papadopoulos investigates the science behind sexual arousal. “Men tend to be more visual than women when it comes to what they find enticing, which is partly to do with how men are socialized,” she says. “It’s interesting how sexual lures have adapted. For men, it’s become much more centered around the breasts … I guess the breasts are the new buttocks.”

Sex: How It Works examines both male and female orgasm, how they differ between the sexes, and how MRIs can study the brain during orgasm.

Sex: How It Works delves into the various social and psychological circumstances affecting a person’s sexual well-being, including the dating habits of those simply pursuing sexual conquests, a 30-year-old virgin whose shyness with women has prevented him from having a sexual relationship. The special also follows a couple who practice abstinence for religious reasons, a young man with erectile dysfunction and a woman who identifies herself as asexual. The special also examines the latest research into gay, lesbian and bisexual lifestyles.

“Sex is vital,” says Dr. Papadopoulos. “Even later on [in the relationship], the ability to maintain this sense of feeling needed and feeling connected. The physicality of sex is vital, so this idea that it is just there to ensure that we procreate, I think, isn’t enough. I think it’s a much, much deeper, much more integral part of our humanity.”

Photo: Credit: Pioneer Productions/National Geographic Channel

About Ryan Berenz 2168 Articles
Member of the Television Critics Association. Charter member of the Ancient and Mystic Society of No Homers. Squire of the Ancient & Benevolent Order of the Lynx, Lodge 49, Long Beach, Calif. Costco Wholesale Gold Star Member since 2011.