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TV Stocking Stuffers #4

Well, if they can celebrate Christmas in Eternia, why should finding the holiday in the world of Pac-Man be so surprising? In the early ’80s special Christmas Comes to Pacland, the video game icon and his family — Ms. Pac-Man (apparently named Pepper), Pac-Baby, Pac-Dog and Pac-Cat — become the latest in a long line of characters who must save Christmas. If so many similarly themed Christmas specials are any indication, Santa seems to need bailing out more often than today’s financial institutions.

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TV Stocking Stuffers #3

We’re back! We now join the He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special, already in progress. What? You didn’t know they celebrated Christmas in Eternia? Apparently so. It only makes sense, given that the Masters of the Universe series was almost solely created to promote action figures that kids likely would be asking Santa for. In one of the lamer A Christmas Carol parallels, even the evil Skeletor has a Scrooge-like revelation thanks to the magic of the holiday.

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TV Stocking Stuffers #2

Sorry to interrupt Stocking Stuffers, but it’s time for a commercial break already. We’ll be back after this brief word from our sponsor that might help with your holiday shopping, especially for that “professional entertainer” in your life:

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TV Stocking Stuffers #1

Season’s Greetings! Throughout the month I’ll be taking a look at holiday-related TV topics and videos from past and present. Now, you know Rudolph, and Frosty, and Charlie — but do you recall the least famous Christmas shows of all? Unwrap my posts and jog your memory! Some of them are lumps of coal, others are fun surprises, and some you might even want to regift. Let’s kick things off today on a musical note.