Channel Guide Magazine

RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 7 episode 9 recap

RuPauls Drag Race Jaidynn season 7 episode 6After the conjoined twin drama, RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 7 episode 9 opens with some shade-throwing at Trixie Mattel. The other girls were initially happy that Trixie came back, but now the realization that there’s another competitor is sinking in. Poor Jaidynn Diore Fierce doesn’t even get so much as a mention.

We learn early on that this is the John Waters episode. For the main challenge, the girls will be doing musical versions of famous John Waters movie scenes. Yes, it’s another team challenge. But first we’ve got time for a mini-challenge. The mini-challenge. It’s time for the children to start reading. Because what? Reading is fundamental!

Most of the girls do ok, except Miss Fame. I don’t think she renewed her library card. In the end, Trixie wins the mini-challenge and a $500 gift certificate from Sequin Queen.

The teams are:

Kennedy Davenport and Katya in Cha Cha Heels
Trixie Mattel and Ginger Minj in Eggs
Violet, Pearl and Miss Fame in Poo

It’s the first time Ru has ever told the girls TO eff it up. The first two teams work well together. Kennedy & Katya are in a scene where Divine is upset at not getting her cha cha heels for Christmas from Female Trouble. Trixie and Ginger are recreating Edith Massey the egg lady and Divine from Pink Flamingos.

Pearl and Miss Fame, however…. Not so much with the working well together. Both Violet and Miss Fame have an obsession with sticking their tongue out. They’re working on a rendition of THE John Waters’ scene. The dog poop eating scene from the end of Pink Flamingos. No, they don’t actually do it, but they really don’t do much of anything other than stick their tongues out. It’s bizarre, which should work for a John Waters challenge, but it doesn’t.

The runway theme is the ugliest dress and there’s some real ugly going on up in here. There are also some dresses that really aren’t that ugly, and that’s a dirty shame. Helping judge this week is John Waters himself and Demi Lovato so that we’ve got something to lip synch to.

Since Ru hasn’t stirred the pot in awhile before she sends them back to untuck, she decides to ask the girls who should go home. Everyone but Violet & Fame say that Fame should go home. Violet goes with Trixie since Trixie was brought back. Fame wants Pearl to go.


In the end Ginger wins the challenge (you know, since she was in the bottom last week. Can we be done with this pattern now, Ru?) and it’s Pearl vs. Miss Fame in the lip synch for your life. It’s pretty boring. I don’t find Pearl’s lip synchs all that exciting and Fame’s even less so. The only thing exciting is when they flip each other off.

In the end it’s time for Miss Fame to go home. Pearl gets another reprieve. Miss Fame didn’t expect Drag Race to be so challenging! Um, huh?

Did you agree that it was time for Miss Fame to go? Who do you think will be the next evicted off this drag island?

Update: Posting this down here so no one gets spoiled, but Miss Fame has already put out a single. Clap for this hooker & check it out below!

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