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Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo answers fan questions, “FAQ” Season 3 recap

Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo took questions from her fans in a special Season 3 episode titled “FAQ.” Theresa and the rest of the Caputo clan fielded questions from her website, Facebook and “twitta”  — that would be Theresa’s Long Island pronunciation for Twitter, which resulted in a funny back-and-forth between Theresa and Larry. Interspersed between the Q&A are video clips that help explain where the questions may have originated from, as well as, help support Theresa’s answers. Here’s an abbreviated rundown of the questions addressed in Long Island Medium: FAQ, Episode 12.

How do you get your information?
I don’t know how I get it. I feel things. Sometimes I see a sign or symbol. I just spew things out of my mouth. It’s like a fire hydrant. Sometimes it can be from my spirit guides. Or if it’s the people I’m connecting with, their spirit guides. It’s a higher level [“Like the CEO of spirits,”  Larry Jr. asks.] From what I understand it’s the spirits that are assigned to our souls and they’ve never walked here on Earth.

How do I respond when people say I’m doing cold readings?
I don’t even know what that means. Can someone explain to me what that means?  [A unseen producer or cameraman explains that a cold reading is done by looking at the individual and making assumptions based on that.] Spirit is just so frickin’ specific there’s no way I could just know these things just by looking at someone. I’m sorry. I get the specifics from spirit ‑ they are making me feel, they are showing me things. …Things just come out of my mouth.  … Spirit talks about the most crazy unbelievable things that nobody would ever know.

Is it harder to read a skeptic?
It’s not harder to read a skeptic, they’re not expecting things. I just like people to validate with a yes or no answer – they don’t have to give the whole frickin’ life history on it or write a book about it. Maybe I am misinterpreting things. … I don’t need someone to walk away from a reading saying “they are now not a skeptic they are a believer. Before you judge or accuse me of anything come and have a reading and experience it first hand and then you can judge away all you want.

When did you first hear from spirit?
When I was younger, at the age of 4, I lived by the Gregory Museum in our town, which also happened to be the jail.  I used to have a dream every night or see someone walking outside of the house– I referred to him the hobo and he’d chant over and over We’re looking and coming for Theresa. I know now that was spirit trying to get my attention. I never shared that with nobody. I don’t even know if my parents know.

How would your life or family be different if your mom wasn’t a medium?
I don’t even know how to answer that. It probably would be boring if I wasn’t a medium.
[Larry Jr.] She could be an auctioneer because she, like, talks really fast and loud – maybe she would be a hand model.
[Victoria] I would say she would be a waitress, the ’80s one where she’s skating around [Theresa quickly interrupted Victoria telling her she’s way off on the decade]

Can two spirits come through at once?
People will ask all the time can two spirits come through at once. So what happens, especially in a group reading, if there are two souls that are similar and want to really get the same message across they will kind of band together to be able to get their message across. This is an example of piggybacking. It’s almost like the old saying, killing two birds with one stone.

Do spirits bother you when you are sleeping?
Absolutely. I get up. I toss. I turn. I hear things. I feel things. I don’t really dream. Spirit is just preparing me. My sleep is a little different.

Are you worried about spirits being in your house?
[Victoria and Larry Jr. disagree on this. Victoria says the act of saging takes care of any remaining spirits that may be lingering after a reading at the Caputo house. Larry Jr. disagrees.]
[Larry Sr. summarized it best] Spirit is throughout the atmosphere – I compare it to like radio signals. Signals are always there, it’s whether you want to turn it on or off.  Spirit always does something that freaks me out. Something totally unexpected. Spirit surprises me freaks me out, every time

How long does it take you to do your hair every morning?
[Larry Jr.] Whatever she says – double it.
[Theresa] It only takes me 45 minutes to get ready in the morning.
[Larry] If you do it in 45 minutes that’s record time.
All I’m saying is when I’m doing a revolution [Theresa demonstrates her 360 degree hair spray application rotation] don’t like a match.

What does Larry do all the day? [a Twitter question from a fan named Kilo]
[Larry, slightly annoyed] What does kilo-c do all day? I do plenty. I clean around the house. I put the garbage out. I take care of the grounds. I pick up the dog crap in the backyard. I put my years in. I’m taking a sabbatical. I’m semi-retired.

What happens when you’re in a cemetery or driving by one?
I actually enjoy going to the cemetery. I feel a sense of comfort there. Spirit explains to me that they aren’t waiting for us at the cemetery, when we go to the cemetery we actually bring our loved ones with us. I don’t find it different whether I’m at the mall or at the cemetery. There’s tons of spirit ready to communicate.

Theresa you get this nervous look on your face like a bunny in a field of hunting dogs. When a spirit comes across are you immediately seeing things?
I do. I get nervous. I usually go to the spirit that is bothering me the most.
[Larry] Honestly every reading still amazes me. I can’t figure that out.

What was your first reading? [For more in-depth info click here for our one-on-one conversation with Theresa]
The first time I did it a salon had hired me to come in and do readings. On the way there all I kept saying is “I will do this but I don’t want to read men.” Every single person that I read that day was a man.

Do you think you’ll ever get rid of the cassette player?
Don’t fix what’s not broken.

Did the table really move?
That table moved. …Let’s be real here, if someone said to you we have a moving table. I was a bit skeptic at first. …Nobody pushed that table. Our fingertips were on the table. How do you push a table with just your fingertips on the table? I know that it was Maria’s grandmother that moved that table. That was one of those things that you had to see it to believe it.

How is your assistant working out?
It’s not.  After going through the whole process I’m not ready for one. I can honestly say I’m a control freak.
[Larry] You’re very hard and difficult to work for.
I’m very low maintenance. I’m laid back. No drama.
[Larry] What? Are you kidding me? But I love you, anyways.
Episode Review of “Help Me”: Theresa Interviewing & Hiring An Assistant

Photos: Credit: TLC



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