Channel Guide Magazine

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 2 episode 3 recap

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 2 episode 3 is the lip sync extravaganza episode. In the tradition of Glamazonian Airways: Queens of the Sky and Rusical the Musical, we get The Baddest Bitches in History, or the baddest rule breakers in history. We get to learn absolutely nothing about some of the most well known women in history.

The theme of this episode is The Rules. Rules, Brenda, do you follow them? Do you follow the rules, Brenda?


Did I miss it? Was there no RuMail? We’re breaking rules already. No mini-challenge? That’s ok, we’ve skipped the mini-challenge before, but the RuMail? Anyone know if we’ve ever skipped a RuMail before?

Main challenge: Lip Sync Extravaganza

It’s a group lip sync, but the queens will be judged individually, of course.  Sounds like RuPaul heard the “no teams ever” loud & clear for this season of All Stars. Links below are to Wikipedia entries for these historical or mythological figures. It may not be totally accurate, but it’s better than what information you’ll get from a lip sync. #HerstoryOfTheWorld

Queens and their assigned characters:

Alaska – Eve
Phi Phi O’Hara – Helen of Troy
Ginger – Catherine the Great
Detox – Marie Antoinette
Alyssa – Annie Oakley
Roxxxy – Eva Peron
Katya – Princess Diana

Katya realizes that the dress she brought for Princess Diana is too long – there’s no way to perform a group lip sync with a long train. Well she could try, but she’d probably break her neck. I wish someone had thought to put in a catch where she could’ve had it pulled up into a bustle & then let it down for her number. Oh well.

The rest of the preparation is pretty typical. Phi Phi gets into Alyssa & Ginger’s heads. Choreographers make comments to make it look like certain queens will do bad. Those are usually the queens that win.

The discussion in the makeup mirror while preparing for the performance is all about being nice on social media. Be nice everyone! There ought to be a rule…

We finally get to see the lip sync extravaganza & is it just me or did Katya get shafted in the choreography department? They just put her center stage & don’t give her any of the other queens to interact with. I know she’s supposed to make the character her own & make it funny, but if her direction is “just stand there” what is she going to do?

Runway theme – the future of drag

This theme asks the queens to rewrite the rules of drag. Who best rewrites the rules of drag for the future?

Phi Phi, using her cosplay skills Screenshot
Alaska being Alaska Screenshot
Not my favorite, but I like the face necklace Screenshot
Detox. Enough said. Screenshot

Detox & Alyssa are the top 2. Ginger Minj & Katya are the bottom 2. Ru specifically mentions that Katya was the only queen who had to emulate someone that everyone has memories of. Maybe in the room, but I imagine there are still a lot of people in the world with memories of Eva Peron.


The judges are giving each other mani pedis instead of judging. Or pretending to give each other mani pedis.

No one wants to send Katya home, but the top 2 are struggling with “the rules” that they made up.

Yes, that is Alyssa. She’s in there, trust me. Screenshot

Ginger points it out – Ginger was strong in the performance, but weak in runway while Katya was weak in both. They both seem resigned to Katya going home.

The winner of the lip sync is Alyssa Edwards. In previous discussions, some of the other queens were concerned that Alyssa might not stick to the rules that were verified & certified through a United Nations Drag Queen treaty.


So which queen does Alyssa send home? Does she follow the “rules” & send Katya home? What does she mean by following her heart?

In the end, Alyssa sends home Ginger. As it is written, so it shall be done. She leaves with a “She got me girl!” much to Katya’s cackle.

What did you guys think? Should Katya have gone instead? (The correct answer is no, BTW.) What happened to Ginger’s left boob light? Why did it go out? Tell it to my heart!

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