Channel Guide Magazine

Squatchers of “Finding Bigfoot” will also look for Nessie this season

Although they haven’t, to my knowledge, found much convincing evidence of Sasquatch, the self-described “Squatchers” of Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot will continue the hunt when a new season of the series begins Nov. 9 at 9pm ET/PT. At the start of the season’s eight new episodes, the team is supposedly “hot on the trail of what they believe to be the world’s largest Sasquatch.”

That enormous Bigfoot is the subject of the two-hour season premiere, which takes Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) president Matt Moneymaker, researchers James “Bobo” Fay and Cliff Barackman, and skeptical scientist Ranae Holland, off to Alaska. Reports of colossal-sized Sasquatches draw the team into the wilderness (eyewitnesses claim to have seen a Bigfoot taller than 12 feet).

Also this season, the team will travel to the United Kingdom to investigate reports of Bigfoot sightings in the British Isles. While there, they take a side trip to Scotland to see if they can also find the truth behind Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster.

At another point this season, the team heads back to New Jersey to investigate “Big Red Eye,” a nickname for Sasquatches in the Garden State. Comedian and “Bigfoot enthusiast” Bobcat Goldthwait will join the team on this one, and I would guess we’d hear his trademark yell at some point.

Other locations this season will include Tennessee, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Ohio.

Finding Bigfoot returns Nov. 9 at 9pm ET/PT on Animal Planet.


Luis Ascui/Animal Planet

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