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RuPaul’s Drag Race Lip Synch Extravaganza Eleganza Recap

RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 5 episode 2 begins with the queens recapping from last week’s elimination of Penny Tration. Bye Penny! The remaining queens miss you. Would they have missed Serena Chacha? Mmmm… not so much, probably.

Ro-Laska-Tox – is the mix of Roxxxy Andrews, Alaska and Detox! Yay! The cute names & Heathers-like behavior has begun! Ok, it didn’t really begin with episode 2, but it took until episode 2 to make it official & give it a name.

This week’s challenge focuses on the lip synch. The mini-challenge involves lip synching to various RuPaul hits, within a cutout head of RuPaul. (Those songs are available on iTunes, in case you’re wondering.) We also learn that Jinkx Monsoon has some jacked-up teeth. Please see the gif to the left above for evidence.

For the main challenge, the queens are working in teams to re-create moments, via lip synch, from Drag Race Untucked herstory. Each team is doing scenes from a different season. Serena’s team is doing Season 3 when Shangela threw a drink at Mimi Imfurst. In this version, Shangela is being played by Alyssa Edwards. In the role of Mimi Imfurst is Jinkx Monsoon. Jinkx appears to be getting frustrated with Alyssa, just like Mimi got frustrated with Shangela. It’s like déjà vu all over again.

In the Season 2 team, Lineysha Sparx goes a little crazy rocking her head back & forth in places where it’s totally inappropriate. I don’t know if it’s the pressure of the competition getting to her, or if she was just feeling like being annoying. In the Season 4 team, Alaska does a great Phi Phi O’Hara and Monica Beverly Hillz is completely distracted. She mentions something about a huge secret that she can’t tell the rest of the girls. Will we learn the secret later? Is this foreshadowing? (Yes, and yes)

On the mainstage our guest judges are Juliette Lewis and Kristen Johnston. Some of the highlights are Ivy Winters on stilts. Roxxxy Andrews introduces us to the term ‘boobicles.’ Jinkx tried to tease her hair & she just pissed it off. Monica Beverly Hillz gets bad feedback & she finally breaks down & tells everyone that she’s really a transgendered woman. She gets all love & support on the runway, and later in Untucked.

We get to see their lip synch challenge videos and Season 4’s video is… awesome. Seriously, if you’re only going to see one scene from this episode, this is the scene to see. The conflict between Phi Phi O’Hara and Sharon Needles takes a way unexpected twist and it’s brilliant. That video is below:

Team Ivy Winters ends up winning, and Lineysha Sparks wins the challenge, much to the chagrin of her teammates. I’m thinking the decision must’ve been based on the runway as well, because when I watched the whole performance of each team, Lineysha wasn’t the strongest.

Juliette Lewis tells us she doesn’t like boobs on Drag Race. She expresses this into Michelle’s boobs. Yay silliness!

Monica Beverly Hillz and Serena Chacha are in the bottom two, lip synching to Rhianna. And with that, Serena Chacha is sent to sashay away. It was no contest, really. Serena showed that her lip synching is strong, it’s also pretty one-note. Monica Beverly Hillz on the other hand looked like she had been set free.

But what did you think about last night’s RuPaul’s Drag Race? Did you think Team Ivy Winters was the strongest? Soun d off below!

RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 5 images from Tumblr

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