Channel Guide Magazine

“Duck Dynasty” stars hosting their 1st Google Hangout on Wednesday

Got any burning questions for Willie, Si or Phil Robertson? If so, the bearded trio will be at your disposal on Wednesday beginning at 8pm ET. The live video chat will feature the Duck Dynasty stars answering questions fans have submitted via Facebook and Twitter, as well as promoting their “Join the Dynasty” sweepstakes, which will allow one lucky winner the chance to become an honorary member of the Robertson family.

That’s not the only promotion A&E is pulling out to tout the Oct. 10 Season 2 premiere of Duck Dynasty. The Virtual Duck Call sweepstakes on Twitter, starting Oct. 7, will feature Twitter feeds associated with the show tweeting #Quack at various times of the day. The first fan to respond by tweeting back #Duck will win a $100 gift card and a Chia Willie. Also, if you’ve ever wondered what you might look like with a Robertson-style beard, then the “Beard Yourself” app is here to scratch that particular itch.

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