Channel Guide Magazine

8 Questions With … Joel McHale

Joel McHale hosts "The Soup" on E! and stars in NBC's "Community"1. What has been your strangest fan encounter?

Joel McHale: It’s weird when people come up to me and say, “Hey, it’s good to see you again.” And I’m like, “Yeah, it’s great to see you again,” and they’re like, “Oh, you remember?” And I’m like, “I have no idea.” And I ask, “When did I meet you?” and they’re like, “Well, I saw your standup and I was in the fifth row.” “Oh, so we never even met?” “No.”

2. You’re at a magazine rack and can pick three magazines. What are they?

Cat Fancy, Wolverine [the comic book] and Creative Knitting.

3. Do you have a favorite sports team?

Anything that comes out of Seattle (his hometown). It breaks my heart that they sold the Sonics to Oklahoma City.

4. When was the last time you were starstruck?

About six or seven months ago, I met John Cleese. I could hardly talk. I got invited to his birthday party because a friend of mine directed him in a movie. It was the thrill of a lifetime.

5. If your TV only carried three shows, which three would you want?

Mad Men, Battlestar Galactica and Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern.

6. When is the last time you felt like crying?

Each time I think about Battlestar Galactica ending.

7. If there were one show you could bring back, simply for the sake of providing material for The Soup, what would it be?

Being Bobby Brown. With great emphasis! The show was amazing. Throw in Paula Abdul’s show [Hey Paula], too, and I would be a happy guy.

8. Who’s your next big celebrity feud going to be?

Whatever genius decides to have their own reality show. Let’s just say Kendra Wilkinson, one of The Girls Next Door. She’s got a new show coming out on E!, because, you know, she’s interesting, and we all want to hear more. [The show will be] making sure her roots stay dyed white.

C’mon, Joel, don’t hold back. Tell us what you really think. You can catch more pop-culture insight from McHale as he plumbs the depths of reality TV every week on The Soup, which airs Fridays on E!


Photo: Jeremy Cowart/E!

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