Channel Guide Magazine

New to On Demand and DVD: Spider-Man: Far From Home

To watch superheroes come into their own onscreen is a totally fascinating process. And we get to watch Spider-Man do just that as he swings from buildings around the world in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

What is the world going to do in a post-Avengers: Endgame world? Spider-Man, also known as Peter Parker (Tom Holland), has only one thing on his mind: a trip to Europe with his high school friends. He doesn’t know what comes next for himself or the world; he is intently focused on letting MJ (Zendaya) know how he feels about her. And, of course, Peter has a plan.

Peter wants nothing to get in the way of his plan, so he ignores attempts by one Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to contact him and heads across the pond. But Fury will not be denied. He finds Peter in Europe and enlists his help to fight giant monsters, dubbed the Elementals. Fury has already partnered with Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal), a mysterious man from another dimension who has fought and lost to these creatures on his planet. But Fury needs Spider-Man as well.

Suddenly the class trip to Europe goes off the rails as Fury manipulates their itinerary so that Peter can be present to help, even though it puts the rest of his class in the middle of a dangerous situation. Can Spidey and Beck save the world and defeat the Elementals? And even if they can, just what might be simmering under the surface that could pose as Spider-Man’s next challenge?

Please see Avengers: Endgame before viewing this film, especially if you are a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You will appreciate this film so much more with the knowledge from that film, and this film is truly enjoyable.

From the start, Far From Home digs in with two key components — comedy and action. Laughing at the edge of my seat, I really didn’t know what to expect going in to my viewing. I just knew it was going to pick up Peter Parker’s story after Endgame. Boy, did I find myself in love with the film that emerged.

Far From Home is a film that doesn’t miss a beat. The quality exhibited in previous Marvel films and Spider-Man: Homecoming is retained at every turn. Holland is immensely likable and has a way to turn even the most mundane scenes into fun and memorable moments. Talented actors around Holland help even the most nuanced moments rise to impressive scope and size. A special callout to Marisa Tomei and her effervescent portrayal of Aunt May — I just smiled, believing that every moment of her performance was truly fun.

Stunning visuals, an engaging storyline and memorable performances make Spider-Man: Far From Home an enjoyable movie on par with the other films in this universe, and while it’s maybe not as deep as some of the others, you’ll be swinging from rooftops yourself, especially after watching the bonus scenes, one during and one at the conclusion of the credits.

I found myself caught in the web cast by Spider-Man: Far From Home, and my Spidey senses are still tingling from the experience. Swing away, Spidey, swing away.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is available On Demand and on DVD beginning Oct. 1. Check your cable system fro availability

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