Exclusive Clip: Season Finale Boundless Canada

In the season finale of Esquire’s adventure race series Boundless, the team heads to Canada for a 100km multi-sport race through Ontario’s beautiful Niagara Escarpment. Will the final leg of their trip around the world lead to a breakdown of the team dynamic? We’ll find out in the season finale of Boundless Canada.

In this exclusive clip, Hunter and Turbo’s relationship makes a detour to testy-town as they squabble over supplies. Is their spat caused by the stress of competition or the result of months of travel? And will they be able to put their differences aside to compete in — and complete their challenge?

The Bruce Peninsula Multisport Race is a 100km competition that features 16km kayak, 62km of road and trail biking and 21km of running.  The group is split into teams of two, and Simon and Rory are confident they will knock the wheels off Hunter and Turbo. But with Hunter’s “American muscle” and Turbo’s “Canadian hustle,” they are sure they will give Simon and Rory a run for their money.

Boundless: Canada > Esquire > Tuesday, June 14 at 10pm ET/ 9pm CT