Channel Guide Magazine

Getting “Lost”: Whatever Happened, Happened Preview

The “Lost” writers love to go out with a bang at the end of each episode.  Last week, literally.

In “Whatever Happened, Happened,” it will be a Dharma shame if we don’t learn the outcome of the shot heard ’round the world.  Is Young Ben really dead?  If so, this blows Faraday’s theory of, well, whatever originally happened will happen, out of the water.

From the previews, it looks like everyone’s a suspect after Sayid’s jail break.  And that means house arrest for the Lostees.  Tensions mount within the camp as Sawyer attempts to keep the charade from being revealed, with the Oceanic 6 being blamed for everything unraveling with their return.

Here are the unanswered questions heading into this week’s episode, “Whatever Happened, Happened”:

• Assuming that baby Ethan is Ethan Rom, how does he end up with the Others?

• Is Horace Goodspeed really Ethan’s father?

• Why isn’t Daniel Faraday part of the Dharma Initiative, circa 1977?

• How will Sun get to 1977 to reunite with Jin?

• What is the deal with that giant four-toed statue?

• Why did Jack, Kate and Hurley end up in 1977, while the rest of the Ajira 316 passengers seem to be in a different time?

• At the time of the purge, Horace is married to Olivia … so what happens to Amy?

• If Charles Widmore led the Others for 30 years, does that mean Penny was born on the island?

• Is Helen really dead or did Matthew Abaddon simply show Locke a fake grave site to get him where he needed to be?

• Who will be fighting in this war that is supposedly coming?

• Will Locke avenge his own death once Ben wakes up?

• Who is the man who created the equations used to find the island?

• We know Kate said not to ask, but … what happened to Aaron?

• How and why did Hurley get on the plane? (A visit from Charlie perhaps? It would explain the guitar case.)

• Are Ellie and Eloise Hawking one in the same?

• Why did Widmore fund Faraday’s research and pay for Theresa Spencer’s care?

• Why didn’t Richard and the other Others move through time when Locke did?

• How is Desmond “uniquely and miraculously special,” according to Faraday?

• Who is the woman in the butcher shop?

• Is Claire dead? If not, how is she communicating with Kate off the island?

• Who (or what) is Jacob?

• Why doesn’t Claire want Aaron to go back to the island?

• What does Christian Shephard want from Jack and Claire?

• According to the Oceanic 6’s story, who is Aaron’s “father”?

• Why doesn’t Jack want to see Aaron off the island?

• What did Kate promise to do for Sawyer once off the island?

• Why was Locke chosen by the island?

• What exactly is Richard Alpert’s role in the Ben vs. Widmore battle?

• What exactly are “the rules”?

• Why can’t Ben kill Widmore?

• Who really put the fake Oceanic 815 at the bottom of the ocean?

• What happened to Annie?

• What’s in that Black Rock journal, and why does Charles Widmore want it so badly?

• Who are the people on Ben’s list, and why are they on it?

•  Is young Ben really dead?

•  Now that the flaming Dharma van isn’t an issue, why did Kate come back to the island?

Check back on Thursday for a recap of this week’s episode.

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