Big Brother 10: 8/5 Recap

Posted by johnnysweeptheleg

Remember how we were complaining about the lovey-dovey nature of the houseguests, just a week or two ago? Yeah, those days are definitely over. Although, before all of the infighting, we did have a delicate moment between two houseguests.

To complete his task as America’s Player, Dan must hug it out with Jessie for 10 seconds. Dan has an inkling that deep beneath the flesh, under the muscle, and buried under the d-baggery, there’s a sensitive guy. So he concocts a tear-jerker about being afraid his girlfriend won’t wait for him when he leaves the house. And it totally works. Jessie actually comes down a few levels on the Jackassometer, and genuinely seems to feel for Dan as he does all he can to console him. Including Awkward Moment No. 1 of the evening, as the two man-hug for 10 seconds, and then some.

House harmony ends there, however.

Names are drawn for the POV competition, and after Michelle, Libra, and Jerry are chosen to play, April begins whining about working so hard to get these nominations, and now they have nobody competing in the challenge. Libra takes exception to this. Gee. I wonder why. Libra goes back to her bedroom and rants to Keesha. Little do they know, Jerry and Jessie are napping in the next room. Jessie is woken up by Libra, promptly pulls his hair back into pigtails, and skips along to the HOH room to tattle to April.

April’s blood boils over this news, and stomps downstairs to Keesha and Libra. Continued yelling ensues. Jerry enters the room to tell them that Memphis is mocking them, but the yellers keep interrupting him. When he sticks his finger out and tells them to shut up, Renny jumps in on the yelling and begins fighting with Jerry. With everyone joining in on the yelling one by one, it was the shouting equivalent of the puking scene in Stand by Me. One person begins yelling, which causes another to yell, then triggers another, and so on and so forth.

Just as the tempers begin to mellow, Libra starts up with Jessie. Libra knows only two volumes on a ten-scale: three and ten.

The entire situation leads to Awkward Moment No. 2. It being Keesha’s birthday, a cake has been baked, and mere moments after all of this fighting, everyone is forced to sing Happy Birthday. An already monotonous song to sing … try doing so with people who are waiting for the song to end so they can charge each other with the knives used to cut the cake.

If all of the screaming and shouting wasn’t enough to make you mute your television, Renny hosting the POV competition was enough to finally make you stick corn cobs in your ears for good.

In the POV competition, which was hockey-themed, HGs were to shoot a hockey puck as close to the center of the net as possible. The HG furthest away would be eliminated each round. They would win something, however. Each HG could then keep their prize or trade it with someone else. Memphis and Michelle were the first eliminated, and Jessie followed quickly. But Jessie has a valid excuse. He’s no good at hockey because, as he hypothesizes, maybe his back is too big. One by one, they all fall until Libra wins. Anti-climactic, huh?

Not really. Because of the “prize” trading, April wins $10,000, but Jerry gets her to agree to a three-way … share, that is, of the money, if he agrees to swap the Letter From Home with Jessie for the POV. Jerry agrees that he will then choose not to use the POV. Finally, just to stick it in and break it off, Libra trades away her unitard for Michelle’s trip to Hawaii.

This sends Michelle into a downward spiral. She threatens to leave, and openly wonders why a mother would rather get a trip to Hawaii than a letter from her children. She makes a valid point. But her point gets lost in all of the screaming and name-calling. To Jessie’s credit, again, he bookends the episode by consoling someone. Jessie tries talking Michelle off the ledge and promising they’ll get payback next week, while filling her with positive affirmations. Like the fact that her butt looks good in the unitard.

Jerry holds to his word and does not use the POV. And while Memphis was the original target, this house is more divided than ever, and anyone could go home this week. I still need Jessie to stay in the house, otherwise, who will I have to pick on each week?


  1. SonShine, we park our cars in the same garage. Jessie must stay. He gets under everyone’s skin, and he’s just so funny to laugh at.

    Half of the unintentional humor would be missing without him around!

  2. Best episode yet! I don’t want Jessie to go because I love how he gets under Keesha and Libra’s skin.

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