Channel Guide Magazine

Pooper Bowl Sunday

The hype has started already — only 17 days until the big game! And I can already guarantee who will be there.

With plenty of hard-hitting tackles, lots of running, occasional biting, and, yes, some befouling of the field of play, this event is once again a must-see for you and all of your rowdy friends.

Of course, I’m talking about Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl, now up to number IV (still a ways off from the XLII of the Super Bowl, but ahead of DIY’s inaugural Toilet Bowl (?!), also on the same day). Airing at 3pm ET on Feb. 3, then repeating at 6pm and 9pm, the 3-hour event doesn’t mess with its successful formula too much, featuring again the ever-popular water bowl-cam, instant replays, play-by-play from Harry Kalas, voice of NFL Films, and pooping penalties enforced by a poor “referee” most likely played by some intrepid actor just hoping to make it in the biz (he also has the unenviable task of cleaning up after the act).

Also returning, for those of you who for some reason actually like cats, is the third annual Kitty Half-Time Show, which at least should be less yawn-inducing than the Super Bowl halftime show itself.

One new element of note is that this year marks the first time the Puppy Bowl will be aired in high definition. So if you get Animal Planet HD, you can really get up close and personal with these little “athletes” who are much cuter than Tom Brady.

Closer to the airdate, by visiting Animal Planet’s website, you can read scouting reports on the puppy participants and vote for your MVP (Most Valuable Puppy), which will be announced the day after the Bowl.

Here’s a preliminary look at a few members of this year’s starting lineup. It must have been a bad draft year for golden retrievers, because I surprisingly haven’t seen any yet in the lineup. From left to right:

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